
We're the Only Latinas in Tech TV Show on the Interwebz

Let us distract you from reality with a Latina mad scientist’s Pee Wee’s playhouse.

Welcome back to the ONLY Latinas in Tech TV Show! That’s right, as of 9:55 a.m. on January 20, 2025, Google says, “There isn’t a TV show specifically about Latinas in tech, but there are organizations and events that support Latinas in tech:”

It’s a no-brainer to aggregate and transform all the content created by us into a weekly TV series cuz it’s 2025, chicaaas! We’re finally living in the future we used to dream about — flying cars, pregnancy robots, our own TV series, equality and freedom of choice for women around the world…record scratch. JK! Still working on that!

The Silicon Valley boys got SIX whole seasons of their own series on HBO Max starting in 2014 — more than 10 years ago — but even after corporate awakenings in 2020 and powerful Latinas like America Ferrera and JLo convincing the Masters of the Universe that we’re more than Femmebots (or the most searched demographic on porn sites), there is no official TV series that shows the underground spaces Latinas in Tech have been creating and occupying for decades.

It’s all good. We’re used to the marginalization, and grateful for platforms like Substack (especially as TikTok dismantles).

Anywaaaaayzzzzzz, feliz año nuevo, and welcome back to the “Latinas in Tech” TV show — I know, gratuitous SEO overdose — starring Dr. Nutmeg, Chakra Girl, Sharky B, Maria La Gata, the Chingonaneers, Femmebot 7.0, and fabulous guests we meet along the way like Ashley Rivera Mercado, founder of Mujeres in Marketing (animated interview coming soon to a Boob Tube near you)!

Tonight and every Monday night — and sometimes Thursdays — we’ll bring you a mofongo mash of stories, skits, and tech trends starring:

  1. Dr. Nutmeg’s Femmebots®

  2. Chakra Girl’s Future news, music, and time travel loops

  3. Maria La Gata’s Historical Context from the 1920s

  4. 91 Broadway: Mami’s Williamsburg, aka Los Sures, in the 1960s

  5. Model Ricans: The Sitcom You Never Got to See in the 1980s

  6. Latina.bomb: A rom com about a Latina techie coming up in the 1990s and 2000s

  7. Super Gringa in Brazil: When Spanish Isn’t Your Best Language, set in the 2010s

  8. The Chingonaneers Tech workshops for surviving the 2020s

  9. Latinas in Tech calendar of events coming up next week…

As the first TV show of its kind, there are no rules we need to follow, nor will we check off the stereotypes the mainstream expects of a TV show written by Latinas and starring Latinas. In our world — based in Downtown Orlando — we can code switch OR NOT, our friends are from all over the world and speak multiple languages, being Latina isn’t a hashtag or a “club,” some of us like Bad Bunny and some of us never heard of him, and Dr. Nutmeg reserves the right to be weird.

If you have to describe Dr. Nutmeg to your friends, she hopes you’ll say:

“Dr. Nutmeg is the Latina mad scientist who could have lived in Pee Wee’s playhouse.”

Our episodes will always be un-finished and rough because there is no official budget, crew, production team, or writers — however, we do have YOU our audience, so…


Switching to first person:

I, Melanie Feliciano, the creative director behind Dr. Nutmeg’s Femmebots®, will continue driving the project as long as you keep opening these emails.

Even when my day job as a web developer gets busy or my freelance work as a producer for a documentary about the re-colonization of Puerto Rico ramps up, I will come here, every Monday, to keep developing this world of Femmebots that seems to keep growing and flourishing not just in my own mind, but in the real world of other Latinas working in tech (YOU).

I’ll renew the trademark this year because Dr. Nutmeg’s Femmebots® is an overarching name for a world I’ve been creating in my own mind since 2008. May as well keep it “officially” on the market. The characters who live in that world will always exist, no matter how much I try to delete them and start fresh with new characters and stories. In other words:

Dr. Nutmeg’s Femmebots® are permanent residents in The FACTory.

If you’re a new subscriber, don’t worry. You’ll catch up eventually. Or not.

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